Self Evident
Self Evident
Careers, Chivalry & the Christian Woman: On Feminism Part 2 (Self Evident #7)

Women were not kept at home in order to keep them narrow; on the contrary, they were kept at home in order to keep them broad. The world outside the home was one mass of narrowness, a maze of cramped paths, a madhouse of monomaniacs. It was only by partly limiting and protecting the woman that she was enabled to play at five or six professions and so come almost as near to God as the child when he plays at a hundred trades. But the woman’s professions, unlike the child’s, were all truly and almost terribly fruitful.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

Episode seven of Self Evident finds the girls wrapping up their discussion of feminism. The four females address the derogatory perspective of motherhood not being the ultimate career, share anecdotes of refusing chivalry, and point out tropes in our day and age which contradict the design of women.