Should Christians Watch “The Bachelor”? (SE #113)

Should Christians watch ‘The Bachelor’? This episode dives into this very topic and discusses whether or not shows like ‘The Bachelor’ promote healthy ideas of relationships.
Article | Kaitlyn Schiess doesn’t Hold Back on Her Take on the Bachelor Nation
Illinois Might Not Require Marriage Officiants?! (SE #112)

In 2026, you might not need a marriage officiant to be legally married in the state of Illinois. In this episode, Alyssa breaks down HB 3049 and all that it entails for Christians and the institute of marriage.
To reference HB 3049, click here.
To attend the Worldview Conference on the High Calling of Marriage and Family, click here.
A Three Stranded Cord: Community & Christ | A Social Lights Conversation (SE #111)

There is no Christian community outside of Christ. The closer you are to Christ, the closer you will draw the ones who you need to be near to. ~Pastor Toby Sumpter
In this episode, Jenna & Kenna discuss the root problem of generation Z’s loneliness with the founders of Social Lights, David Robison & Nathan Bilkis. Social Lights is a community building ministry that Self Evident is partnerning with to host a party that you are cordially invited to:
March 8th is Illinois Family Institute’s annual worldview conference, and this year’s theme is “the High Calling of Marriage and Family” (with a special invitation for generation Z to come for free!). After the conference, a post conference gathering for anyone between the ages of 18-35 will occur for new friendships to be forged and old ones to be strengthened. To register, email th*******************@gm***.com.
Sermon referenced: The Shape of Trinitarian Community
Article referenced: Gen Z, The Lonliness Epidemic. . .
Connect with Social Lights: get in touch through their blog!
The New Mainstream Media (SE #110)

Kenna and Jenna converse over how the way generation z take in news, and how the mainstream new sources have shifted dramatically in the past 4 years.
Hospital Admits “Gender-Affirming” Care Was Never Medically Necessary? (SE #109)

Chicago Children’s Hospital inadvertently admits that “gender-affirming” procedures were never backed by science and were never medically necessary. Christians are still mad about USAID funding being paused for re-evaluation. All of this on today’s episode of Self Evident!
Article: Is the Overhaul of USAID Good?
The Toxic Empathy Surrounding Illegal Immigrants (SE #108)

Over Christmas break, Alyssa was joined by Eliana to have a discussion about the toxic empathy surrounding the problem of illegal immigration and how we as Christians can seek the welfare of our country that protect and love our neighbors.
Read the Got Questions article referenced: What Does the Bible Say About Illegal Immigration
Read the WirePoints article referenced: Illinois Population Gains 68k in 2024 Due to Migrant Tidal Wave
Abortion Aids Abusers (SE #107)

Alyssa dives into the dark truth of the abortion industry. Abortion profits off of abuse.
Article Cited:
Abortion Aids Abusers:
Live Action video:
Undercover Live Action Reporter:
Defund Planned Parenthood:
Did The Target Boycott Work? (SE #106)

Did the Target boycott work? Target roles back their DEI policies and Trump bans transgenders from the military. All of this and more on today’s episode.
Resources Referenced:
Worldview Conference:
Visit our social media:
Instagram: @selfevident_podcast
Facebook: Self-Evident
X (Twitter): @selfevident_podcast
Underrated Highlights from President Trump’s First Week (SE #105)

Kenna and Jenna attempt to wrangle all of the events, actions and orders President Trump accomplished during the first week of his administration. There. Is. So. Much. Together they dissect Melania’s statements through her style, the new government appoinments of Homeland Security and DOD, executive orders that flew under the radar due to the sheer amount of news he is consistently making and the deportation scandals.
To Listen to Alyssa’s episode on Day One and her comments on the most notorious executive orders, click here.
Day One Was a WIN (SE #104)

Alyssa dives into Inauguration– commenting on the iconic fashion looks of both Melania and Usha, and also discussing the major executive orders signed by President Trump on day one.
See below for all the articles referenced and resources given:
Washington Stand | Executive Orders Signed on Day One
The Guardian | Executive Orders List
White House | Cost of Living Crisis
Attend the Worldview Conference!
Listen to Alyssa’s episode on Price Capping
Visit our social media:
Instagram: @selfevident_podcast
Facebook: Self-Evident
X (Twitter): @selfevident_podcast