Alyssa Sonnenburg

Alyssa Sonnenburg is the website manager, social media manager, contributing writer, and co-host of Self Evident.

She is a dedicated wife and graduate of Moody Bible Institute, and is currently employed full-time as an Executive Assistant and Ghost Writer. Alyssa is in the process of receiving her ACBC (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) Certification, and, following this, plans to receive her Master’s of Biblical Counseling from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Through Self Evident, Alyssa seeks to use the dedication she has for God’s Word and her love of Biblical Counseling to point her generation to Christ, Who offers lasting hope and healing. In her spare time, Alyssa enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with close family and friends.

Kenna Rose

Hey, Guys! I’m Kenna Rose, a Christian and a conservative speaker who creates videos and writes articles about worldview issues for Illinois Family Institute. In my free time I enjoy reading, playing the piano, writing, acting, making videos with friends, running, and crafting.
I love the magic reading and writing can produce and am under the opinion that storytelling is a powerful force. To that end, I run Good Clean Reads with the goal of helping Christians be discerning in what we read.
I wanted to start Self-Evident because I sincerely care about worldview issues and want to discuss them from a Biblical perspective. A lot of what is getting twisted in our world today should be common sense; but it’s under attack. We hope to make worldview issues relatable to our peers and to point those listening to the gospel and what the Bible says. And we hope to do it differently from all of the other podcasts out there: we want to speak the truth in love.

Brynn Hartian

Hello! My name is Brynn Hartian, and I am so excited to be a part of Self Evident and co-host with these incredible women.

I am a Christian, volleyball player, musician, and an actress.

I hope that through this podcast, we can not only show the older generations that there is still hope for generation Z, but also show generation Z that they are not alone in their beliefs. We live in a time where the left controls the media and a lot of what we, as generation Z, sees, and it’s so easy to feel alone. But you’re not! 

Jenna Smith

Jenna Smith is the producer, audio editor, and co-host of Self Evident. She is employed as an Assistant Financial Administrator, studies part-time at a local community college, and teaches classical piano to a horde of young homeschoolers.

Jenna realizes Generation Z has been taken captive with lies about themselves, the opposite sex, and their purpose on the planet. Through Self Evident, Jenna’s goal is to enlighten, encourage and equip Self Evident’s listeners to expose and annihilate falsities they encounter sola scriptura (by Scripture alone).

In her spare time, you can find Jenna scheming formal dance events, reading WWII spy biographies, and pulling anyone nearby outside with her to wander like a hobbit.

Eliana Hartian

Hello! My name is Eliana, co-host of the Self-Evident podcast.

I have a passion for many things, including music, self-defense, animals, aviation, and especially the truth that comes straight out of scripture. I am currently working on a mini-album titled “We’re Almost Home.” You can find updates for that on my website,

I am a part of Self-Evident because I hope this podcast will help enable other people, particularly those of our generation (but not limited to), to stand up for what God says to do and to learn more about it themselves. One of the most crucial parts of this is to do it in love and with grace. We are called to “Let all that [we] do be done in love” (1 Corinthians 16:14). There is a substantial lack of grace-filled truth among conservative “influencers.” I believe that the word of God is foundational for all truth. I wish to emulate this to others.