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Mary’s Story

At a young age, Mary experienced a stillbirth. “I’ll never forget her,” she says. “It’s been fifty years– especially on her birthday.”

What is Truth?

What is truth? Pilate said those words to Jesus some 2,000 years ago as Christ was headed to the cross, and it’s a question that the world continues to ask today.

Christian Liberty Academy: An Alternative to Public School

The failure of government education – on multiple levels, has been the subject of discussion all over social media and the focus of many news stories recently. Not only do parents have to worry about the immoral and wicked content their children are being taught, the pernicious  secrets being hidden from them about their own children, but they have every reason to be alarmed by the failing academic report card of local schools.

Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot

Sound of Hope, produced by Angel Studios, is based on the inspiring, true story of a couple that changed their community through adoption. When Donna and Reverend Martin learned that 70% of children are in the government foster care system through neglect and that the other 30% endured unspeakable horrors, they knew they had to intervene.

Julie’s Story

Women are told that choosing life for their baby with ruin their lives. Julie’s story proves the opposite. Julie herself faced an unplanned pregnancy and seriously contemplated abortion. She realized that if she were to get an abortion, no one would know. She could keep her secret.

Disney Is Targeting Your Children

James O’Keefe, political activist and founder of Project Veritas, recently exposed Disney Creative Marketing Director Genie Gurnani’s radical push for more LGBTQ content. This content would directly target children– your young, impressionable children.