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Churches Putting Pro-Life Values into Action

Love Life is a pro-life organization that is dedicated to mobilizing the church to create a culture of love and life that will end both abortion and the orphan crisis. In just seven years, Love Life has seen over 192,000 people mobilized into action, partnered with over 1,100 churches, and saved over 5,700 babies.

Samaritan Ministries: A Biblical Healthcare Option

Everyone knows that health insurance is difficult to navigate. Between limitations on doctor networks and deductibles, families often struggle to find the plan that is best for their family, especially for those whose jobs do not provide healthcare coverage.

The Reality of Social Media Part 3: BeReal

Even though social media isn’t yet 50 years old, warnings against it have become a bipartisan concern. But it’s also a huge part of our world, used by many people to connect and businesses to engage with their clientele. For parents especially, it can be stressful to figure out how to monitor their children’s use of social media and let’s face it, it can even be difficult for adults.

American Heritage Girls: An Alternative to Girl Scouts

Near the end of May, we discussed Boy Scouts and their name change to “Scouting America.” In the article, we excitedly highlighted Trail Life USA as the Christian, conservative alternative to Boy Scouts. Unfortunately, within scouting, the influence of the left is not limited to the Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, too, has been infected with a liberal agenda.

Tamela’s Story

Women are often told that abortion is their only option if they wish to pursue a career or get an education. “You will never have a career if keep your baby.” “You will never finish college if you choose to have your child.”

Saving Lives with Every Sip

Starbucks is, most likely, the most popular coffee chain in America today. Starbucks has become popular not only for its coffee shops, but also for its coffee gear (like mugs) and affordable roasts you can purchase at many local grocery stores.

“Happy Pride!” From Ms. Rachel

Ms. Rachel is a popular YouTuber and social media personality known for her unique educational videos for children. She is most well-known for her children’s music series, Songs for Littles, which focuses on language and speech development in infants and toddlers.