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EveryLife: The Changing Lives Club

In April, we introduced you to EveryLife Diapers– the only pro-life diaper company. Unfortunately, major diaper companies such as Huggies, Pampers, Luvs, Honest, and others are regular donors to Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion mill in the United States.

Self Evident: Fleeing Sharia and Finding Christ with Anni Cyrus

Anni Cyrus was born in 1983 in Iran– after the the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Because of this, she grew up in the Islamic Republic of Iran in a strict Islamic family with a father who was a strong, Islamic authority figure. Anni’s one experience outside of the strictness of her family upbringing was her grandmother, who grew up in the free side of Iran before the Islamic Revolution.

VidAngel: Family-Friendly Entertainment

Has this ever happened to you? You sit down with your whole family to watch a movie that looks family-friendly. But halfway through, a random and unnecessary sexual scene pops up, leading you to quickly cover your kids’ eyes and hurriedly tell your spouse to fast-forward. Horrifying, right?

Self Evident: Suing the City & Sharing the Gospel

In this exciting episode, Jenna and Alyssa sit down with Jeremy Chong, a member of the Jim Elliot Fellowship when he studied at Wheaton College. Back in 2019, Jeremy Chong along with the Jim Elliot Fellowship sued the City of Chicago for hampering their freedom of speech as they were preaching the gospel in Millennium Park:

What Would You Say?

Should a Christian attend a same-sex “wedding?” Should I use preferred pronouns? Is IVF ethical? Questions like these pervade every inch of our society. Not only our society but also our churches.

Protect Your Kids

There is a crisis in American government schools– especially in liberal states such as Big Blue Illinois. Not only is the crisis moral, but it is also academic – and obviously so.

Facing the Screen Time Dilemma

We are living in the iPad kid generation. Generation Alpha (known “affectionately” as iPad kids)  comprises kids born between 2010 and 2024. They have received the label “iPad kids” for that exact reason – screen time overload.

The White Rose Resistance: The Story of Sophie Scholl

In January of 1933, Hitler’s Third Reich rose to power in Germany. Being a good citizen of Germany, Sophie Scholl, along with her siblings, was excited to be a follower of the National Socialist cult of youth. Eventually, Sophie joined the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls), quickly rising through the ranks due to her zeal for the ideals of Nazism.