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Protect Your Kids
There is a crisis in American government schools– especially in liberal states such as Big Blue Illinois. Not only is the crisis moral, but it is also academic – and obviously so.
Facing the Screen Time Dilemma
We are living in the iPad kid generation. Generation Alpha (known “affectionately” as iPad kids) comprises kids born between 2010 and 2024. They have received the label “iPad kids” for that exact reason – screen time overload.
Toxic Empathy is Making Christians Weak
On September 6th, Self Evident had the amazing opportunity to interview Illinois Family Institute’s banquet speaker, Allie Beth Stuckey.
Your Kids Are Not Public School Missionaries
In a recent episode of her podcast Relatable, Allie Beth Stuckey discussed a Christianity Today article written by Stefani McDade entitled “Public School Can Be a Training Ground for Faith.”
The White Rose Resistance: The Story of Sophie Scholl
In January of 1933, Hitler’s Third Reich rose to power in Germany. Being a good citizen of Germany, Sophie Scholl, along with her siblings, was excited to be a follower of the National Socialist cult of youth. Eventually, Sophie joined the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls), quickly rising through the ranks due to her zeal for the ideals of Nazism.
Self Evident: The Dark Side of the Transgender Debate with Dr. Pamela Garfield Jaeger
Dr. Pamela Garfield Jaeger has been in the mental health field for over 20 years. Known as The Truthful Therapist due to her transparency and honesty when it comes to the transgender debate, Dr. Jaeger discusses the overlooked dark side of mental health and gender distress.
Cheri’s Story: The Value of Life
Cheri can relate to the overwhelming feelings pregnancy can bring. When she and her husband found out she was pregnant with their fourth baby, they struggled for support as they had three kids under the age of four and were facing financial difficulty.
Doctors Protecting Children Declaration Calls on Medical Institutions to Follow the Science
On June 6 of this year, the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration officially launched. Included in the coalition of co-signers are members of the healthcare community representing a variety of specialties, including psychiatrists, pediatricians, nurses, physicians, scientists, and more.
Katie’s Story: Purpose and Hope
When Katie found out she was 5 months pregnant at only 15 years old, she was terrified. “I came from a family that were very strict Catholics… I was very nervous about school… I was not ready to become a parent.”
Self Evident: Do Preborn Babies Have Emotions?
In this exciting episode of Self Evident, Alyssa and Jenna sit down with Dr. J. to discuss his research findings on the topic of the preborn and emotions. Dr. J is a retired research physicist and scientist who has done extensive work in the field of biotic encoding. He has worked with NASA, was an integral part of the Apollo 11 program, and has received high awards and honors due to his research.