Written by Kenna Rose

Last Thursday, the United States House of Representatives passed the Title IX Congressional Review Act, which would legally block President Biden’s changes to Title IX, restoring privacy to women’s and girl’s private spaces.

The Title IX Congressional Review Act was introduced in the House in early June by Illinois Congresswoman Mary Miller (15th district). It passed on July 11th along partisan lines with a vote of 210 – 205.

Miller released a statement on the passage of her bill, saying,

“Joe Biden is undermining years of progress women have made in securing their rights under Title IX. For more than half a century, Title IX has protected women and girls, ensuring they have equal opportunities in education. However, the Biden Administration is putting our girls at risk by allowing men to access women and girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms. This divergence is a blatant violation of the protections Title IX was meant to guarantee, and it undermines the very foundation of women’s rights and security in their private spaces.”

In mid-April of 2024, the Biden Administration finalized their changes to Title IX, including redefining the word “sex” to include sexual orientation and gender identity. The Biden Administration’s changes to Title IX would require government-funded institutions to allow any man or boy claiming to identify as a woman or girl to use women’s private spaces or risk losing federal funding.

Some people are worried that this ruling may make it easier to overturn laws banning men from playing in female sports.

The Biden Administration’s changes to Title IX are set to go into effect on August 1st. Twenty-six states sued to block the Biden Administration’s changes, and courts have blocked the changes from going into effect in Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming, as well as in schools with students linked to some conservative groups.

Miller’s Title IX Congressional Review Act still needs to pass the Democrat-controlled senate before it can make it to the president’s desk for a signature.

Predictably, Biden has said that he will veto the bill.

Amid cultural confusion over gender and identity, it’s important to remember that God’s design for gender is good. We can encourage one another in the midst of this confusion through prayer and studying God’s Word with fellow believers.

Pray specifically that Miller’s bill passes the senate and can overcome Biden’s veto!