Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

On May 7, 2024, The Chicago Tribune published an article that demonized pro-life advocates.

The article claimed that pro-lifers were targeting an abortion clinic located just outside the West Loop.

Alderman of the 34th Ward, Bill Conway was quoted as saying:

To give you a sense of what it’s like, you’ll see more than 100 protestors who are not just exercising their freedom of speech, but they are running and screaming at patients to get out of their cars, discouraging them from seeing their doctors. They are blaring bullhorns designed to scare them.

In response, Alderman Conway proposed an ordinance that would require a “quiet-zone” around the clinic, which would ban the use of “loud noise-making devices.”

Ann Scheidler, vice president of the Pro-Life Action League spoke out against the pro-abortion ban at the May 22nd Chicago City Council Meeting:

If we trust women to make their own choices, let’s make sure they have all the information they need to make life-altering decisions… Why deprive a young woman of the last opportunity she has to say “no.”

WGNTV 9 recently announced on May 22, 2024 that the Council has tabled the effort to ban the anti-abortion protests.

This is a win for pro-life advocates!

Today, pro-lifers have been protected against the radical, pro-abortion agenda and are guaranteed the Constitutional right to protest on public sidewalks and seek to “rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die” (Prov. 24:11aNLT).